Grade Level | Monthly (11 months) Aug-Jun | Yearly |
Grade K through 1st | $454.55 | $5,000** |
Grade 2nd through 8th | $500.00 | $5,500** |
** Sibling Discount $300.00 per additional sibling from the yearly price
We have rolling enrollment and accept applications year-round. Spaces are limited in many classrooms, so be sure to get your application in promptly in order to secure the best spot for your child. Contact us at (925) 315-5160
Type | Description | Amount |
Application Fee | New Student - due with the application | $75.00 |
Registration Fee | New Student - due with registration | $225.00 |
Registration Fee* | Returning Student - due with registration | $175.00 |
*for returning family if paid by 07/30/19
The BASIC Fund is a privately funded organization providing partial-tuition scholarships to low-income families across the Bay Area, helping them afford the cost of tuition at the private school of their choice. This program is intended as a helping hand for families enrolling their children at a private school for the first time. To apply go to or call (415) 986-5650